Okay, so, I’ve been trying to get this Scorpio guy’s attention for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. These guys are intense, and figuring them out is like solving a mystery novel. I did a bit of reading online, and a lot of places say that honesty is key. So, that’s where I started.
Being Honest
First, I tried to be as upfront as possible with him. No beating around the bush, no white lies, nothing. I mean, I told him straight up that I liked him. At first, I was worried it might be too much, but I figured, why not? Scorpions are known for their intensity, so maybe he’d appreciate the direct approach. And you know what? He actually seemed to. He didn’t run away, at least. So I kept being really honest about everything, even small stuff. I’d tell him if I didn’t like something he did, or if I had a different opinion. It felt a bit weird at first, but I kept going.
Understanding Him
Next, I paid close attention to what made him tick. You know, what he liked, what he didn’t, his quirks. I read somewhere that understanding a Scorpio man is super important, so I tried to observe him without being creepy. I noticed he was really passionate about certain things, like his work and his hobbies. He could talk about them for hours. And he was loyal, too. Once he committed to something or someone, he was all in. It was pretty cool to see.
Then came the flirting part. This was tricky because I didn’t want to come on too strong, but I also didn’t want to be too subtle. I started by just being myself, but with a little extra something. I’d make eye contact, you know, that lingering look that says more than words. I’d compliment him on things I genuinely admired, not just random stuff. And I’d try to engage him in deep conversations, because I knew he liked that. It’s not all about physical stuff with these guys, you gotta stimulate their minds, too.

So, after all this, did it work? Well, it’s still early days, but I think I’ve made some progress. He’s definitely more open with me now, and we talk more often. He even initiated a few conversations, which is a big deal for him, I think. We’ve gone out a couple of times, just casual stuff, but it’s been fun. I feel like I’m slowly cracking his shell, and it’s exciting. I know there’s still a long way to go, but I’m hopeful. I’m going to keep being honest, keep trying to understand him, and keep up the flirting. Hopefully, with a bit of luck, I’ll be able to fully entice this Scorpio man.
It’s been a journey, for sure, but a good one. And I’ve learned a lot about Scorpios and, you know, about myself, too. It’s all about being genuine and patient, I guess. And maybe a little bit brave, too, to put yourself out there like that.