Well, howdy there! Let’s gab a bit about this December Sagittarius birthstone thing, ya know? I ain’t no fancy scholar or nothin’, but I can tell ya what I’ve heard and seen.
So, them Sagittarius folks, they’re born ’round the end of the year, November and December mostly. Heard tell they’re like arrows, always zippin’ around, lookin’ for somethin’ new. Always gotta be doin’ somethin’, can’t sit still for a minute, just like my grandson Billy, always runnin’ around, got ants in his pants I tell ya.
Now, about that birthstone. They say it’s called turquoise. Turquoise, that’s what they call it. Purty lookin’ thing, kinda blue-green, like the sky after a good rain, or maybe a robin’s egg, but bluer. I seen some at the market last week, right next to the tomatoes, shiny and smooth, like a river rock.

- It’s supposed to be lucky, I guess. Keeps ya safe and helps ya talk good, so they say.
- Wisdom, they call it. Like knowin’ when to plant the corn and when to harvest it, I suppose.
- And protection, well, that’s always a good thing, ain’t it? Keeps the bad spirits away, or maybe just helps ya not trip over that there root in the yard.
Anyways, this turquoise stone, it’s been around a long time, even longer than me, and that’s sayin’ somethin’! Folks been wearin’ it for ages, makin’ jewelry and such. I remember my grandma had a turquoise ring, she said it kept her from gettin’ rheumatism. Don’t know if it worked, but she wore it every day, so it musta done somethin’. Grandma also said it helps with talkin’, makes ya speak clear and true. Now, I ain’t sure about all that magic stuff, but it’s a pretty stone, gotta give it that.
Now, some folks say there’s other stones for December too, like that blue topaz thing. Heard it’s sparkly, like a little piece of the night sky. But turquoise, that’s the real deal for Sagittarius, that’s what the old timers say. It’s the one that really matters if you’re born under that sign, the archer they call it.
You know, I reckon these birthstones are just a way to feel special. Like havin’ a little somethin’ that’s just for you. Makes ya feel connected to somethin’ bigger, I guess. Like the stars and the sky and all that. It’s like havin’ a lucky charm, a little piece of the earth to carry with ya.
And speaking of carryin’ things, they say that Sagittarius folks, they are always carryin’ on about somethin’ or another, exploring and learning new things. Always restless and looking for the next adventure, like my old hound dog, Buster, always sniffin’ around, lookin’ for a rabbit or a squirrel. Maybe that’s why the turquoise is their stone, always steady and strong amidst all that movement and change. It’s a comfortin’ thought, ain’t it?
So, if you’re a Sagittarius, born in December, or if you just like that pretty blue-green color, get yourself some turquoise. Wear it, put it in your pocket, whatever you want. Maybe it’ll bring ya luck, maybe it’ll help ya talk better, maybe it’ll just look nice. Ain’t no harm in tryin’, right? It’s just a pretty stone, but sometimes, a little pretty is all ya need to brighten your day.

I always say, a little bit of beauty in your life, well, that’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. And that turquoise, it sure is pretty. Just remember, it’s about more than just a stone; it’s about feeling good, feeling connected, feeling like you belong. And that’s somethin’ everybody needs, no matter when they were born or what their sign is.
So there ya have it, my two cents on this December Sagittarius birthstone business. Take it or leave it, it’s all the same to me. I’m just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two, and I figure sharin’ what I know is better than keepin’ it all bottled up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on them chickens.
Tags: [Sagittarius, December, Birthstone, Turquoise, Astrology, Zodiac, Gemstone, Wisdom, Protection, Communication, Blue Topaz, Archer, Jewelry, Meaning, Symbolism]