Alright, let’s gab about this divination board thing, you know, the thing folks use to talk to spirits or whatever. I ain’t no expert, mind you, just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two. But I’ll tell ya what I know, simple as can be.
First off, what is this here divination board anyway? Well, it’s a flat piece of wood or somethin’ with letters, numbers, and maybe some other stuff like “yes” and “no” printed on it. You get yourself a little pointer thingy, they call it a planchette, and you and maybe a friend put your fingers on it. Then you ask a question and the planchette moves, spelling out answers or pointin’ at stuff. Sounds kinda crazy, I know, but some folks swear by it.
Now, don’t go thinkin’ you can just grab any old board and start chattin’ with the dead. There’s more to it than that. First thing is, you gotta be respectful. You ain’t callin’ up your neighbor for a cup of sugar, you’re tryin’ to talk to somethin’… else. So you gotta be polite, you hear? And don’t go askin’ stupid questions. Be serious.
Lots of folks get all worked up about choosin’ the right board. They say, “Oh, this one’s made of special wood,” or “That one’s got fancy symbols on it.” Listen, it don’t much matter. The key to choosing the right divination tool is to go with what feels right to you. Like pickin’ a good melon, you just know it when you see it. If a board feels good in your hands, that’s the one for you. Don’t let nobody tell you different. If you feel drawn to a certain board, trust your gut.

Some folks say beginners often feel pulled to one tool more than others, so if you have a feel for a particular board, that is probably the right one for you. So, trust your intuition. It’s common for beginners to feel drawn to one tool more than others. Trust your intuition.. It’s important when you are new to things like this.
- Make sure you are respectful.
- Ask serious questions, don’t be silly.
- Choose a board that feels right to you, it doesn’t need to be expensive or fancy.
- Trust your intuition when choosing the board and during the session.
Now, how do you actually use this thing? Well, like I said, you and maybe a friend put your fingers on the planchette, real light-like. Then you ask your question out loud. Clear as day, so there ain’t no confusion. And then you wait. Sometimes the planchette moves right away, sometimes it takes a bit. Just be patient. And don’t push it! Let the planchette do its thing.
When you’re done, don’t just up and leave. That’s rude. You gotta thank whatever spirits you were talkin’ to and say goodbye. It’s just common courtesy, you know? And put the board away proper. Don’t leave it lyin’ around for the cat to sleep on. Treat it with respect.
Some folks say these boards are dangerous, that you can open doors you don’t wanna open. And maybe that’s true. I ain’t gonna lie to ya, it can be scary. But it can also be… interestin’. You can learn things, get answers you wouldn’t get any other way. But you gotta be careful. Don’t go messin’ with stuff you don’t understand. And if you get scared, stop. Just stop.
There are different types of boards too. Some are just letters and numbers, some got pictures and symbols and all sorts of things. There are multiple tools and forms of divination, and it can be very overwhelming when it comes to choosing what would be best for you. Some people even make their own boards, out of wood or cardboard or whatever they got handy. I reckon that’s fine too, as long as you do it with respect. It ain’t the board that matters, it’s the intention.

And listen, don’t go blabbin’ about your divination sessions to just anybody. Some folks will think you’re crazy, some will get scared, and some will just want to poke fun. Keep it to yourself or share it with folks you trust, folks who understand. It’s like a secret, somethin’ special between you and the spirits.
So, there you have it. That’s all I know about these divination boards. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, just an old woman sharin’ what I’ve learned. If you wanna try it, go ahead. But be careful, be respectful, and be open. You never know what you might find out.