Well, let me tell you, this whole star sign thing, it’s a hoot! My granddaughter, she’s always going on about it. She says I got the Aquarius Sun and Cancer Moon. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? I think it is a best match for me, I like it. I love my Aquarius Sun and Cancer Moon!
Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon
She says this Aquarius, it’s all about being, you know, different. Marching to the beat of your own drum, she says. And I reckon that’s right. Always been a bit of a odd duck, I have. Never did fit in with them gossip circles down at the church. I’d rather be out tending my garden, or maybe, tinkering with that old radio of mine. I’m just like people, always want to make friends with everyone, even strangers, you know? My sun sign, Aquarius, makes me feel great!
Then there’s this Cancer Moon thing. She says that’s about feelings, being all sensitive and such. And lord knows, I got a soft heart. Cry at the drop of a hat, I do. Commercials, sad songs, you name it. And I worry about my family something fierce. Always have. Want to keep them all close, safe under my wing, like a mama hen. This is my moon sign, Cancer. Cancer Moon makes me cry sometimes, but I like to be a Cancer, I think.
- Aquarius: That’s the independent part, they say. Like a bird, gotta fly free.
- Cancer: That’s the homebody, the worrier, the one who bakes cookies for everyone.
It’s like, one minute I’m wanting to run off and join the circus, and the next I’m wanting to knit everyone a sweater. It’s a real tug-of-war inside me, I tell ya. This Aquarius Sun, it makes me want to learn new things. Always have, even though I never did get much schooling. Read every book I could get my hands on. And I like to talk about ideas, big ideas, you know? My kids always said, “There goes mom with her head in the clouds.”

The good and the bad about Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon
But this Cancer Moon, it keeps me grounded, in a way. Keeps me connected to my roots, to my family. I may dream big, but I always come back home. Home and family, that’s what matters most, in the end. Even though sometimes, I just want to pack a bag and see the world! But then I think, who’d water my plants? Who’d feed the chickens?
My granddaughter, she says this combination, it makes me a bit of a puzzle. I always want to help others, that’s true. I like to think I’m a good listener, too. People seem to tell me their troubles. Maybe it’s ’cause I don’t judge. Aquarius, you see. We accept everyone, quirks and all. But I also need my alone time. Gotta recharge my batteries, she says. That’s the Cancer part, wanting to retreat into my shell.
So, if you see me out there, staring up at the sky, muttering to myself, don’t you worry. It’s just this Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon thing, working its magic. I’m just a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. Like a patchwork quilt, all stitched together. Maybe I want to chat with you for a whole day, maybe I just sit here and do nothing. That’s all depends on my mood, you know?
- Sometimes I’m all about the future, newfangled ideas. That’s my Aquarius side.
- Sometimes I’m all about the past, remembering the good old days. That’s my Cancer side.
- One minute I’m tough as nails, the next I’m a puddle of tears.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, we’re all a little complicated, ain’t we? These star signs, they just give it a name. They make you understand yourself better, right? Like, Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon, it is a unique sign, and people born in this sign always have a big heart. But at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to figure things out, same as everyone else. And maybe, just maybe, this whole Aquarius Sun Cancer Moon thing helps us do that, just a little bit. It makes me think a lot, you know, like, why I do this, why I do that, it’s all because of this, I guess.
It’s like, I got this fire in me, to make a difference, to help people. That’s that Aquarius Sun, shining bright. But I also got this deep well of emotion, this need to care for others. That’s that Cancer Moon, glowing soft. If I help one people, I feel very happy. It makes me feel I did a good thing today.

So, yeah, it’s a bit of a mix-up, but it’s me. And I’m learning to like it, all these different parts of myself. It’s like a good stew, you know? A little bit of everything, all simmered together. And it tastes pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. I think I’m a good person, and I like to think about future, that’s good. I love my Aquarius Sun and Cancer Moon, and I love the way I am!