Okay, so let’s talk about Aries women. I dated one for about a year, and let me tell you, it was a rollercoaster. When things were good, they were amazing. Passionate, exciting, you name it. But when an Aries woman is done, she’s DONE.
It all started out like a fairytale. We met at a friend’s party, and she just lit up the room. She was bold, funny, and we clicked instantly. We started dating, and for the first few months, it was a whirlwind of dates, adventures, and just non-stop fun. I was totally smitten. She was independent, knew what she wanted, and wasn’t afraid to go after it. I loved that about her.
But then, little things started to change. She became more distant, less interested in doing things together. At first, I brushed it off. Everyone has their off days, right?
- The phone calls got shorter.
- The texts became less frequent.
- She started canceling plans more often.
I tried to talk to her about it. I really did. But it was like talking to a wall. She’d just say she was busy with work or needed some “me time.” I get that, but it felt like more than that. It was like she was slowly pulling away, and there wasn’t anything I could do to stop it.
Then came the arguments. Small disagreements that used to be nothing turned into full-blown fights. She became increasingly critical, and it felt like nothing I did was ever good enough.
The Final Straw
The final straw was a stupid fight about where to go for dinner. I suggested a place, she shot it down immediately, and then we just went back and forth until she finally exploded. She said she was tired of feeling like she had to settle. She said she needed someone who was more ambitious, more exciting, more… everything. I was totally blindsided by it. This was not the woman I had fallen for.
It was clear as day: she was done. She didn’t even have to say the words. Her actions spoke volumes. We broke up that night, and honestly, it was a relief. The relationship had become so toxic, so draining. It hurt like hell, but I knew it was over.
Looking back, I realize there were signs all along. Aries women are fire signs. When they’re in, they’re ALL in. But when they’re out, they’re out. They don’t do things halfway. It is a really hard thing to take in.
So, if you’re dating an Aries woman and you start to see these signs, be prepared. It might be time to face the music. It’s better to deal with it head-on than to let it drag on and on. Trust me, I learned that the hard way. That’s all about my experience with her, hope it helps you.