Yesterday, I got this whim to try and make some art, you know, something different. I stumbled upon this idea of “art constellation,” and I thought, “Why not give it a shot?”
So, I started by gathering my stuff. I’m no artist, so I kept it simple:
- A big sheet of black paper – figured it would look like the night sky.
- Some glitter – because, well, stars sparkle.
- White paint – for drawing the lines connecting the “stars.”
- A paintbrush – a pretty basic one.
- A pencil and some pictures that i want draw .
First, I used the pencil to lightly sketch out the constellation shapes on the black paper.I did not use the ruler,i just want to make it casually,I drew some random dots, trying to make them look kinda like real constellations, but, honestly, mostly just winging it.
Making Things Sparkle
Next, the fun part – glitter! I carefully put glue on each of my pencil dots. Then, I sprinkled the glitter over the glue. Man, glitter gets everywhere! I had to be careful not to sneeze or breathe too hard.

After the glitter was on, I shook off the extra. It already looked pretty cool, all sparkly and stuff. But it needed something more.
Connecting the Dots
This is where the white paint came in. I dipped my brush in the paint and slowly started connecting the glittery dots.I tried my best to make it look right.
I waited the paint and glue dry * takes me a couple of hours,i think.
And that was it! My very own “art constellation.” It’s not perfect, a bit messy, and definitely not something you’d see in a gallery. But, you know what? I made it. And it was actually pretty fun to do. Plus, it looks kinda cool hanging on my wall. It’s a little reminder that you don’t have to be a pro to make something you enjoy.