Alright, let’s talk about this Eros thingy in Gemini. I ain’t no fancy astrologer, mind you, but I’ve heard things, ya know? Folks say it’s all about love and passion, and how you get all hot and bothered.
Now, this Gemini Eros, it ain’t just about the body, see? It’s about the brain too. You gotta be smart to get this kind of lovin’. It’s like, you gotta talk pretty, tell good stories, make ’em laugh. It ain’t enough to just be good-lookin’, you gotta have somethin’ goin’ on upstairs too.
- They say Geminis, they like their arms touched. Like, you know, you just run your finger down their arm, gentle like, and they get all tingly. Sounds kinda nice, I guess.
- And they like talkin’. Not just any talk, mind you. They wanna hear somethin’ interestin’, somethin’ that makes ’em think. Dirty talk is good too, but it ain’t everything. You gotta keep ’em entertained, see?
This Eros in Gemini, it’s like a fire, they say. But it’s a different kind of fire. It ain’t just burnin’ hot and fast, it’s got a flicker to it, a spark. It’s playful, ya know? Like, you’re havin’ fun, you’re laughin’, you’re enjoyin’ yourself. That’s what gets this fire goin’.
And they say this Eros thing, it’s connected to makin’ stuff too. Like, you know, paintin’ pictures, writin’ stories, singin’ songs. It’s all part of the same thing, this desire, this passion. It’s like, you gotta create somethin’, whether it’s love or art or just a good time.

Now, if you got this Eros in Gemini in your fifth house, whatever that means, they say it’s a good thing. It means you’re gonna be creative, you’re gonna express yourself. You ain’t gonna hold back, see? You’re gonna let it all out. And that’s a good thing, I reckon. Bottling things up ain’t good for nobody.
And if you got it in your twelfth house, well, that’s a bit different. That’s more hidden, more secret. Maybe you got a secret lover, huh? Or maybe you just keep your desires to yourself. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that neither, long as you ain’t hurtin’ nobody.
Some folks say this Gemini Eros, they can’t settle down. They always want somethin’ new, somethin’ different. They like variety, see? They get bored easy. So, you gotta keep ’em on their toes. You gotta be interestin’, you gotta be fun, you gotta be smart. And you gotta touch them arms, don’t forget that!
And it ain’t just about sex, though that’s part of it, sure. It’s about a connection, a spark. You gotta click with someone, on a mind level as well as a body level. You gotta be able to talk, to laugh, to share ideas. That’s what really gets this Gemini Eros goin’.
So, there you have it. That’s what I know about this Eros in Gemini thing. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, but I’ve been around the block a few times. And I know a thing or two about love and passion. It ain’t always easy, but it’s worth it, I reckon. It’s what makes life worth livin’. So go out there and find your spark, find your passion, find your Gemini Eros. And don’t forget to have a little fun along the way.

Anyways, this is just my two cents on it. Take it or leave it. But if you ask me, love is love, no matter what the stars say.
Tags: [Eros, Gemini, Love, Passion, Astrology, Zodiac, Relationship, Communication, Touch, Creativity, Fifth House, Twelfth House, Desire, Romance, Sexuality]