Several Zodiacs Remain Unshakable in Love or Otherwise
In the mystical realm of astrology, there's a curious pattern that's been floating around. You've got your Taurus, Libra, Aquarius,...
In the mystical realm of astrology, there's a curious pattern that's been floating around. You've got your Taurus, Libra, Aquarius,...
Alright, let’s yak about this j immunotherapy cancer thing, whatever they call it. Sounds fancy, like something them city doctors...
"> ,,,!,“”,“”~,!👇👇�rsquo; | ,,。,,,,。 ,。:#52 Wild Cherry ,,。 | 2018,。,、,。 ,,。:#53 Romantic Rose ,,。 | 2018,。,。 ,。:#55 coral...
Alright, let’s talk about this 11th house in Virgo thing. I ain’t no fancy astrologer, but I’ve seen enough folks...
Hey there, y’all! Let’s yak a bit about this… thingamajig… this “virpil constellation alpha,” right? Sounds fancy, like somethin’ outta...
Alright, alright, let’s talk about this… what color goes with that… uh… “pie-sees” thing, right? You know, the fishy one....
Alright, so you wanna know about this Gemini Rights vinyl thing, huh? Okay, okay, I’ll tell ya what I know....
Alright, let’s talk about this here “birth date compatibility book” thing. I ain’t no fancy scholar or nothin’, but I’ve...
Cancerians Crave Stability in Their Home Environment Let's face it, Cancerians are the type who thrive on being needed. It's...
今儿个咱来唠唠那个啥子,《this week on whe3l of fortune》,我也不懂啥洋文,反正就是讲那运气的事儿呗。 运气这玩意儿,谁说得清? 有时候你好吃好喝的,啥事儿都顺当,那就是走运了。有时候你喝凉水都塞牙缝,那就是倒霉呗。这就像那老话说的,三十年河东,三十年河西,风水轮流转嘛。 我听人说,那外国有个啥子“fortune”,就是说你有没有钱,有没有好运气。这“fortune”还分好多种呢,有的“fortune”是说你命好,一辈子不愁吃穿,有的“fortune”是说你一阵子运气好,能发点小财。 我寻思着,这运气,跟咱种地也差不多。你得好好伺候庄稼,该浇水浇水,该施肥施肥,才能有个好收成。你要是懒得动弹,啥也不管,那庄稼肯定长不好,收成也肯定不好。这运气也一样,你得努力,得勤快,才能抓住机会,才能有好运气。 要我说嘞,这人,得知足。 你不能光想着发大财,光想着一步登天。那都是瞎想。咱得脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,该干啥干啥。 还得心善。 你不能光想着自己,还得想着别人。你帮了别人,别人也会帮你。这好人有好报,坏人有坏报,都是有道理的。 还有嘞,得乐观。 你不能遇到点挫折就灰心丧气。人生哪有一帆风顺的?你得挺住,得坚持,才能看到希望。 我记得以前有个二愣子,整天游手好闲的,啥也不干,就想着天上掉馅饼。结果呢?他啥也没捞着,还落得个穷困潦倒的下场。后来,他想明白了,开始踏踏实实地干活,慢慢地,日子也过好了。 所以说,这运气虽然重要,但更重要的是咱自己的努力。你努力了,即使运气差点,也能过上好日子。你不努力,即使运气再好,也守不住。 这“fortune”嘞,说白了就是个机会。机会来了,你得抓住。抓住了,你就能改变命运。抓不住,那就只能怪自己。 我听说那外国有个啥“wheel...
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