Okay, so today I messed around with something called “Sagittarius Mercury.” I’d heard about it, seen it mentioned, but never really knew what it was. I figured it was time to get my hands dirty and actually try it out.
Getting Started
First, I needed to figure out, plainly, what even is it? A quick search told me, in basic terms, it has something to do with astrology, planets, and communication styles. Okay, I’m vaguely following.
The Deep Dive
I started by, well, Googling it. Seriously, that’s always step one, right? I found a few articles that, for a total noob, still felt pretty dense. But I picked through them slowly.
I learned that Mercury is all about how we think and talk, and Sagittarius is known for being, like, super blunt and optimistic. So, Sagittarius Mercury, I guess, means someone who communicates in a really direct, straightforward way, and probably looks on the bright side of things.

My Experiment
Knowing even a little bit about it, I decided to spend the day kind of… embodying it. I’m usually someone who hems and haws a lot, overthinks what I’m going to say. So today, I made a conscious effort to just say what I was thinking, no filter (within reason, of course!).
- First test: My roommate left a bunch of dishes in the sink. Normally, I’d just sigh and do them myself, maybe make a passive-aggressive comment later. Today? I just straight-up said, “Hey, can you clean these up when you get a chance?” Easy!
- Second test: Work meeting. Instead of keeping my ideas to myself, I just blurted them out. Some were good, some were probably dumb, but I said them.
- Third Test: Dealing with the usal family issue, instread of trying to clam down the situation, I just let it be, speak out my truly feeling about this.
The Results (So Far)
Honestly? It was kind of freeing. A little scary at first, sure, but I felt… lighter. Like I wasn’t carrying around all these unspoken thoughts. Now, did I suddenly become an amazing communicator? No. Did I offend anyone? I don’t think so. Did people look at me a little weird sometimes? Probably.
But it was a cool experiment. I realized that I spend so much time worrying about how I say things, that I sometimes forget to just say them. Sagittarius Mercury, even just the idea of it, pushed me to be a little braver with my words.
I’m definitely going to keep playing around with this. Maybe not every day – I don’t want to become that person – but it’s a good reminder to be more direct and honest, and to trust my own voice a little more.