Okay, so I recently got into this whole astrology thing, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I decided to dive deep into my own birth chart, and what I found was honestly pretty mind-blowing. My chart reads “Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, Leo Rising,” and I wanted to see just how well this actually reflects who I am. So here goes nothing, I’m going to walk you through this process of what I did and my experiences.
First off, I had to get my hands on my birth chart. For that, I had to find out the exact time, date, and place I was born. It was a bit of a hassle, but Mom came through with the info! And then I started to put it all together.
With my birth details in hand, I spent hours combing through websites and books. It was like learning a new language! I focused on what Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, and Leo Rising meant individually, then tried to piece them together.
- Cancer Sun: This is all about being sensitive, caring, and really into home and family.
- Gemini Moon: This part seemed to be about being curious, adaptable, and a big talker.
- Leo Rising: This was described as being confident, dramatic, and loving the spotlight.
Next, I spent a good chunk of time just reflecting on myself. Do I see myself in these descriptions? I journaled, I asked friends for their opinions, and I even took a few online personality tests just for kicks. It was a bit like holding a mirror up to myself and seeing myself in a new light.
Then, I started paying attention to my daily interactions and reactions. When I found myself acting in a way that seemed to fit one of these astrological descriptions, I’d jot it down. It was interesting to see how often I was unknowingly fitting into these patterns.
I also tried consciously acting out traits I hadn’t considered much before. For example, I’m not usually one for the spotlight (despite that Leo Rising), so I volunteered to lead a presentation at work. It was nerve-wracking, but hey, I did it!
Putting It All Together
After weeks of this, I started to see a clearer picture. My Cancer Sun definitely resonated with my love for creating a cozy home and my strong emotional bonds. I mean I cried a lot of times…My Gemini Moon? That’s me staying up all night, jumping from one topic to another on the internet. And the Leo Rising… well, let’s just say I’ve been working on embracing my inner drama queen.
This whole experiment was eye-opening. It made me realize how complex we are as humans and how astrology can be a fun tool for self-discovery. It’s not about taking it as gospel but using it as a way to explore different facets of yourself.
So, if you’re curious about astrology, I say go for it! Dive into your birth chart, see what you find, and most importantly, have fun with it. It’s a journey of self-discovery, and who knows what you might uncover about yourself?