Hey there! So, we’re already two months into 2020, and I’m betting you’ve got a lot on your mind. You know, those thoughts that swirl around but you’re not quite sure who to share them with? If you’re feeling the weight of some, feel free to unload them on me. Today, I’m spillsin’ the tea on the zodiac signs andconstellation that the money gods are gunning for in the first half of the year. Let’s see if you’ve got the lucky stars aligned in your favor. And hey, don’t forget to grab your friends and BFFs to check this out together! [Hint: If you’re looking for a happiness roadmap, don’t skip the third article in today’s lineup—it’s all about the don’ts in relationships.]
Top Money Magnet Animals
Third Place: The Goats
Rams (or should I say Goats?) are strutting their stuff in the first half of the year. They’re on the fast track to a promotion, maybe even taking the reins as a team lead or department head. It’s like their socio-economic status is getting a serious upgrade, and their bank accounts are jumping for joy right along with them. Collaborations and partnerships are smooth sailing, with contracts that are actually beneficial. Bosses are loving their proactive vibe. So, if you’re a Goat, this is the time to ask for that raise or bonus you’ve been dreaming of. For you, 2020 is shaping up to be a banner year for fame and fortune.
Second Place: The Dragons
Dragons, you’re in for a magical ride this year. If you’ve set your sights on something, whether it’s a job, a test, or hitting a sales target, just put your nose to the grindstone and watch your dreams come true. You’re on a roll, and it’s time to make those goals a reality. Plus, you’re getting some fresh ideas about money and investments. You’re thinking beyond your nine-to-five, maybe even dipping your toes into some side hustles, buying and selling for profit, or acting as a middleman. Your wallet is about to get a serious workout.
First Place: The Bulls
Bulls, your lucky stars are shining brightly. Your laid-back, easygoing attitude is actually your superpower. You’re not one to sweat the small stuff, and that’s winning you some serious partnerships and bringing in the big bucks. Your generous spirit is paying off in unexpected ways, with windfalls coming from all sorts of places—lottery wins, surprise gifts, or even a bonus from a friend or family member for a job well done. It’s a golden era for wealth, and you’re reaping the rewards.
Top Money Magnet Stars
Third Place: Aries
Aries, your guardian planet, Mars, is on a tear, pushing you towards financial heights. Investments and financial plans are falling into place, and your career is undergoing a transformation. You might even be moving up the ranks or changing locations for a better job and fatter paycheck. This is the perfect time to start planning your finances, laying down a solid foundation for the next year.
Second Place: Cancer
Cancers, the cosmic dance is in your favor, too. The financial hustle you’ve been through is finally paying off. Your hard work is getting noticed, and your network is expanding, bringing in some serious shine to your bank account. Your investments are getting sturdier, and your plans are moving ahead without a hitch. Your bank balance is growing, and your lifestyle is reflecting that growth.
First Place: Leo
Leo, you’re the apple of the universe’s eye this year. Jupiter is camped out in your career zone, making you the darling of the workplace. You’re getting all the right breaks, and your initiatives are hitting the mark. Raises and promotions are within your grasp. Plus, your side hustle is bringing in the cash, with all sorts of people—mentors, VIPs, elders—lining your pockets with little gifts and bonuses. People who once doubted you are now lining up to bask in your glow.
So there you have it, folks! If you’re seeing your sign or animal on this list, get ready to ride the wave of prosperity. And if you’re not, don’t despair. The universe has a way of surprising us all. Keep your eyes peeled and your spirits high—you never know what’s around the corner!