So, the other day, I was trying to figure out what the deal is with Leo birthstones. You know, I have a few friends who are Leos, and I wanted to get them something special for their birthdays. I thought, “Hey, why not a birthstone?” But then I realized I had no clue what a Leo birthstone actually is.
I started by doing some digging online. I mean, where else do you go when you need answers, right? I typed in “Leo birthstone” and “Leo birthstone color” into the search bar and let the internet do its thing.
The first few results were kind of all over the place. Some sites were talking about this stone called “Peridot,” saying it’s green and all about focus and purpose. I found out Leos are those born between July 23rd and August 22nd, making it the fifth sign of the zodiac. Then there were other sites mentioning stones like “Blue Topaz,” “Onyx,” and even “Ruby.” It got pretty confusing, with some sites talking about fiery reds and oranges to match Leo’s supposed fiery nature, while others mentioned calming yellows and greens. I felt like I was getting lost in a rainbow of information.
I decided to narrow down my search to just “Peridot” since it seemed to be the most commonly mentioned one. From what I gathered, Peridot is this vibrant green gem that’s supposed to be linked to personal growth and abundance. It sounded pretty cool, and the color seemed like it would be a good fit for my Leo friends. Green is a nice color, you know?

But, like, not to be outdone, I also looked into “Ruby” because one of my Leo friends really loves red. I found out that Ruby is considered a birthstone for Leos too. It’s this precious gemstone with a rich red color that’s supposed to bring good fortune and health. I thought, “Okay, this is interesting.” A red stone for a fire sign, it kind of makes sense.
So, after a few hours of this back and forth, I ended up with two main options: Peridot with its green goodness and Ruby with its fiery red. I even read somewhere that Onyx is traditionally seen as a Leo stone, but the color varies. Can you believe it? It’s like choosing between pizza and pasta; both are great, but it depends on your mood.
My Decision
- Peridot: I learned that Peridot, with its green hue, is thought to bring out a sense of purpose and focus in Leos.
- Ruby: I also found that Ruby, known for its deep red, is believed to attract good fortune and health, which is pretty awesome.
In the end, I decided to go with my gut. I picked out a Peridot piece for one friend because I thought the green would really suit her personality, and a Ruby piece for another because red is her favorite color and she could use a bit of good luck.
It was a bit of a journey, figuring out the whole Leo birthstone thing. But it was also kind of fun, like a little treasure hunt. And I learned a lot about gemstones in the process. Who knew there was so much to know about birthstones?