Well, let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this fella, Leo Chavez. Heard some things he said, and I reckon they got some truth to ’em, even if I don’t talk all fancy like them city folks.
Leo, he was a simple man, just tryin’ to make a livin’. He said somethin’ like, “The best thing you can do to help us is leave us alone.” Now, ain’t that the truth? Sometimes, folks just want to be left to their own devices, you know? No need for fancy help, just a bit of peace and quiet.
He also said, “Being brave doesn’t mean not being scared. It means overcoming your fear to do what you have to do.” That’s somethin’ my old pappy used to say, in his own way of course. Life ain’t easy, and fear, well, it’s always lurkin’ around the corner. But you gotta do what you gotta do, scared or not.
This Leo, he was from Honduras, they say. Came to America, lost his wife, and was raisin’ his boy all by himself. Worked at that Windows on the World place, high up in the sky. Poor fella, didn’t make it out when them towers came tumblin’ down. It’s a sad story, real sad. Makes you think about what’s important in life.

- He worked hard, that’s for sure.
- He loved his son, that’s plain to see.
- And he spoke his mind, even when it wasn’t easy.
His daddy told him, “do something with your life” and “do something worth living for”. Words to live by, I reckon. We all need a purpose, somethin’ to get us up in the mornin’. It ain’t always easy to find, but it’s worth searchin’ for.
Someone said somethin’ about Americans thinkin’ they can fix everything by throwin’ money at it. Well, money ain’t everything, that’s for sure. It can’t buy you happiness, and it sure can’t bring back the ones you lost. You need more than money in this world. You need kindness, you need love, and you need strength.
Leo, he said some things that stick with ya. Like that one about scars. “It scars over, like a bad cut. It still aches every now and then.” Life leaves its marks on ya, that’s a fact. You might heal, but the memories, the pain, it stays with you. Like a bad knee in winter, it flares up when you least expect it.
And then there’s this: “You punch somebody, you get suspended, no matter why you did it. Your actions have to have consequences. If they didn’t…” He’s right, you know? Can’t go around doin’ whatever you please without thinkin’ about what’ll happen next. Even if you got a good reason, there’s still gonna be a price to pay. That’s just the way the world works.
This Ground Zero, it’s a sad place, filled with sad stories. But it’s also a place where you see the strength of people, the way they come together when things get tough. Leo Chavez, he was one of those people, just trying to make a better life for himself and his son. His words, they remind us that even in the face of tragedy, there’s still hope, still courage, still the will to keep on going.

I ain’t no scholar, but I know what’s right and what’s wrong. And Leo, he seemed like a man who knew the difference too. He wasn’t perfect, nobody is, but he had a good heart. And that’s what matters in the end. So, if you’re lookin’ for some wisdom, you could do worse than listenin’ to what this fella had to say.
Ground Zero Leo Chavez Quotes. They ain’t fancy, but they’re real. And sometimes, that’s all you need.
Remembering Leo Chavez, and all the folks who were lost that day. It’s a sad thing, but we gotta remember them, keep their stories alive. It ain’t easy, but it’s what we gotta do.