Well, let me tell you ’bout this fella, Leo Ivan Villagrana-Perales. Heard he got his angel wings, real sudden like. Poor soul, just 40 years young. Folks say it happened in Loveland, Colorado, back in October, 2024. October 4th, to be exact. That’s a mighty young age to go, leavin’ folks behind. Don’t know the details, mind you, but it sounds like it was somethin’ awful.
Now, I ain’t one for fancy words or city ways, but I know a thing or two about loss. It leaves a hole in your heart, big as a barn door. This Leo fella, he had a mama and a wife, see? They’re the ones hurting the most, I reckon. Someone’s writin’ on their behalf, bless their hearts. Must be tough times for them. Gotta be hard, losing someone so quick, without no warnin’.
They say he was from Greeley, Colorado. That’s farm country, kinda like where I come from. Hardworkin’ folks out there. This here Leo, he probably knew a thing or two about gettin’ his hands dirty. Makes you think, don’t it? One minute you’re here, the next you’re gone. Just like that, snuffed out like a candle in the wind.
- They call it “unexpected,” this passin’ of Leo. That’s a fancy word for “didn’t see it comin’.”
- And this Kellyng Mauricio Figuerdo-Gonzalez fella, he went with Leo. Only 29, just a young’un. Both of ’em, gone too soon.
- The coroner, that’s the fella who figures out how folks die, he said it was a crash. Sounds like a car crash, maybe. Terrible thing, those cars. Fast as lightnin’, but dangerous as a rattlesnake.
Folks are writin’ ’bout Leo online, you know. Obituaries they call ’em. Fancy word for rememberin’ the dead. They’re sharin’ memories and such. Good to remember the good times, I always say. Even when it hurts like a toothache. Got folks lookin’ for funeral services, too. Want to pay their respects, I guess. That’s the way it should be. Showin’ respect for the departed, and support for the livin’.
Heard tell there’s folks on Facebook talkin’ ’bout him too. Connectin’ with each other, sharin’ stories. Facebook, that’s a newfangled thing. Like a town square, but on the computer. Folks postin’ pictures and such. Guess it helps folks feel less alone, when somethin’ like this happens. Seein’ his name – Leo Villagrana-Perales, Leo Soberanes Villagrana, Leo Perales – sounds like he got many names, but maybe they are talkin’ ‘bout the same fella, poor soul. It’s all a bit confusin’ to an old woman like me. But the heart knows sorrow no matter the name, right?
This whole thing, it makes you think, you know? Life’s short. Here today, gone tomorrow. Gotta cherish the moments, love your people, and be grateful for what you got. ‘Cause you never know when it’s gonna be your time. So raise a glass to Leo Ivan Villagrana-Perales, gone too soon. And say a prayer for his mama, his wife, and all the folks who loved him. May they find peace in their hearts, and may his memory live on.
It ain’t right, this losin’ folks so young. But that’s life, I guess. Unpredictable as a spring rain. You just gotta hold on tight to the ones you love, and keep on keepin’ on. That’s all you can do. Life goes on, even when it hurts.
So, rest in peace, Leo. And to his family, I send my deepest sympathies. Even though I never knew him, my heart aches for your loss. Just a reminder, folks, be kind to each other. You never know what someone else is goin’ through. And hug your loved ones tight. You never know when it’ll be the last time.
Tags:Leo Ivan Villagrana-Perales, Obituary, Greeley Colorado, Loveland Colorado, October 2024, Condolences, Memorial, Death Notice, Passing, Unexpected Death