Alright, let’s talk about that Northern Cross thingy, you know, the one they say helps you find north in the summer. Don’t you worry, I’ll make it plain as day, no fancy talk.
So, summer nights, right? You look up at the sky, and you see a bunch of stars. Now, some folks get all excited about Scorpius and Sagittarius, but we’re looking for somethin’ different, somethin’ called the Northern Cross. It’s part of a bigger star picture called Cygnus, but don’t you fret about that, just remember the Cross.
They say this Cross is like a signpost in the sky. Come summertime, near midnight, it’s supposed to be pretty much right over your head if you’re up north a ways. If it’s spring, you gotta get up real early, before the sun starts peekin’, and look to the east. There it’ll be.
- Finding North: Now, the important part. That Cross, it ain’t exactly pointin’ north, see? It’s kinda tilted. But the long part of the Cross, that’s your guide. Imagine that long part keeps goin’ down, down, down towards the ground. That’s where north is. Simple as that.
- Summer Evenings: Like I said, summer’s the best time to see it. Come nighttime, it’s up there big and bold. You can’t miss it once you know what to look for. Just remember, it’s like a big ol’ cross in the sky.
- Spring Mornings: Now, if you’re an early riser, spring’s your chance. Look east, early in the mornin’, before the sun gets too high. It’ll be lower in the sky then, but still there.
Some folks, they like to tell stories about this Cross. Something about a god named Zeus and a swan. Honestly, I don’t pay much mind to them stories. All I care about is findin’ my way, and that Cross helps me do it.

There are all sorts of fancy gadgets now, you know, for lookin’ at the stars. They got these maps and viewers, powered by somethin’ called “Heavens Above,” that show you exactly where everything is. They even got things on them phones now, I hear. But honestly, you don’t need all that fuss. Just look up, find that Cross, and you’re good to go.
Heard tell there’s been some fancy sky stuff happenin’ this year. Northern lights, eclipses, and even a comet with a name I can’t even pronounce. All that’s fine and dandy, but the Northern Cross, well, it’s always there, reliable as an old hound dog.
And speaking of northern lights, some folks way up north, they see ‘em all the time. But here in Texas, it’s a rare thing. You gotta be real lucky, and way up north in the Panhandle, to catch a glimpse. So, don’t you go lookin’ for those lights every night. Stick to what you know, stick to that Cross.
Now, they say there are a whole bunch of these star pictures, constellations they call ‘em, up there. Eighty-eight, I heard. But we can’t see all of ‘em from here in Texas, bein’ in the Northern Hemisphere and all. Some are for wintertime, some for other times. But that Cross, that’s our summer friend.
So, there you have it. No need for fancy book learnin’ or expensive contraptions. Just look up, find that Northern Cross, and you’ll know which way is north. It’s been helpin’ folks for a long, long time, and it’ll help you too.

Remember, summer nights, look up high. Spring mornings, look east. And always follow that long part of the Cross down to find your way. Easy peasy.
Tags: Northern Cross, Cygnus, Summer, Stars, Orientation, North, Sky, Constellation, Navigation, Find North