Well now, let’s talk about these Pisces men and Libra women, shall we? It’s like this, you see. My old man used to say, some folks just click, and some…well, they clack. Like a broken wagon wheel, clack, clack, clack, all the way down the road.
From what I hear, a Pisces man and a Libra woman, they got a good chance at clicking, not clacking. They both kinda like things nice and easy, ya know? Peaceful like. Nobody yellin’ or throwin’ pots and pans. That Libra woman, she wants everything balanced, like a good set of scales. And that Pisces fella, he’s off in his own little world, dreamin’ and such. Not a bad thing, mind you, long as he comes back down to earth sometimes.
Them city folks with their fancy words, they call it “compatibility.” Sounds like somethin’ you put in your tractor, don’t it? But what it means is, these two, they can get along. They kinda understand each other, even if one’s talkin’ ’bout clouds and the other’s talkin’ ’bout keepin’ the house tidy.
- They both want a peaceful life.
- They’re both honest with each other, or so they say.
- They both try to make the other one happy.
Now, that ain’t always easy, no sirree. Even the best matches, they got their squabbles. Like, that Libra woman, she might get tired of the Pisces man’s head in the clouds. “Come on down from there!” she might say. “The chickens need feedin’!” And the Pisces man, he might think the Libra woman worries too much about things. “It’ll all work out,” he’d say, “Just gotta have faith.”

But see, they both want that harmony, that peaceful livin’. So, they try. They talk it out, maybe. Or maybe they just sit on the porch swing and watch the sun go down. Sometimes, that’s all you need.
They say these two are somethin’ called “karmic.” Big word, huh? Means like they were meant to be together, maybe from a past life or somethin’. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but who am I to judge? Maybe they met before, maybe they didn’t. What matters is they’re together now, tryin’ to make it work.
I heard tell that a Libra man and a Pisces woman get along pretty good too. Same kinda deal, I guess. They both like the romance, the lovey-dovey stuff. Though, they might have a hard time makin’ up their minds about things. “Should we paint the barn red or blue?” “Oh, I don’t know, what do you think?” And on and on it goes.
And if it’s the other way around, a Pisces man and a Libra woman in love? Well, that can be powerful stuff, they say. Like a team of good horses pullin’ together, strong and steady. They both get caught up in each other’s worlds, the real and the dreamy. It’s kinda like a mystery, what makes ’em tick together. But that’s love for ya, ain’t it? A mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an old flour sack.
That Libra, man or woman, they’re interested in everything. People, the world, even themselves. I even heard they like that astrology stuff, lookin’ at the stars and whatnot. Guess they’re tryin’ to figure out why things are the way they are. Can’t blame ’em for that, I suppose. We all try to make sense of things, one way or another.

So, there you have it. A little bit about these Pisces folks and Libra folks. Will they live happily ever after? Who knows? Life’s a long road, full of bumps and potholes. But if they can keep that harmony goin’, that peaceful livin’, they got a good shot at makin’ it work. Just gotta remember to keep their feet on the ground and their hearts open.
Now, I gotta go feed them chickens. They’re clucking louder than a gossip circle at a church picnic.
Tags: [Pisces, Libra, Compatibility, Relationship, Astrology, Love, Horoscope, Man, Woman, Peace, Harmony]