Okay, so the other day I was trying to figure out something for my astrology blog, and I was like, “When did Saturn actually move into Aquarius?” I knew it was a big deal, but I totally blanked on the exact date. It’s kinda embarrassing since, you know, I write about this stuff. But hey, it happens, right?
My Little Research Journey
So, first things first, I grabbed my phone – because what else would I do? – and started Googling. Of course, I found tons of articles, but most of them were just talking about the effects of Saturn in Aquarius, not the actual date. Useful, but not what I needed at that moment.
Then, I remembered I have this cool astrology app on my tablet. It’s got all these charts and ephemeris tables, which sounds super fancy, but basically, it’s just a calendar of where the planets are at any given time. I opened that up, fiddled around with the dates, scrolling back and forth… and there it was! But, it wasn’t as simple as just one date, which added a bit to my confusion initially.
The Dates!
It turns out Saturn first dipped its toes into Aquarius on March 21, 2020. Yeah, right when the whole world was turning upside down! It stayed there for a bit, then did a little retrograde dance back into Capricorn on July 1, 2020. Finally, Saturn made its grand, official entrance into Aquarius on December 17, 2020, and that’s where it’s been hanging out.

- First entry: March 21, 2020
- Retrograde back to Capricorn: July 1, 2020
- Final(for a long while) entry: December 17,2020
So yeah, I felt a little silly for not remembering instantly, but honestly, with all the retrogrades and shifting energies, it’s easy to get things mixed up. And hey, now I have a nice, clear record of it for myself – and for my blog, of course! Plus, it reminded me how much I actually enjoy digging into the details like this. It’s like being a little cosmic detective, piecing together the puzzle of the planets.