Well, let me tell ya ’bout this here scorpio flower thing. Folks say it’s somethin’ special, tied to them star signs and all that. Don’t know much about stars myself, ‘cept they twinkle at night, but I do know a thing or two ’bout flowers.
Now, they say geraniums are one of ’em scorpio flowers. Fancy name, huh? Anyways, they say it means deep feelin’s and bein’ strong, like a tough old weed that keeps comin’ back. And it’s supposed to keep the bad stuff away, make ya feel safe and cozy, like a warm quilt on a cold night.
Then there’s them mums, chrysanthemums they call ’em. Big ol’ flowers, all bunched up together. They bloom in the fall, when the leaves start turnin’ color. They say these mums mean happiness and livin’ a long time, and bein’ good friends with folks. That sounds nice, don’t it? Everyone wants a good friend, someone to share a cup of coffee with and gossip ’bout the neighbors. You know, just everyday stuff.
And get this, red roses, them things you see at weddings and such, they’re scorpio flowers too! I always thought they was just for lovey-dovey stuff, but turns out they mean protectin’ the folks you care about. Scorpions, they say, are like that, always lookin’ out for their own. So, a red rose, it’s like sayin’, “I got your back,” you know?

- Geraniums: Deep feelin’s, strong, keepin’ the bad away.
- Chrysanthemums: Happiness, livin’ long, good friends.
- Red Roses: Love, protectin’ the ones you love.
Now, there’s other flowers too, gardenias I think they called ’em. Mysterious flowers, they say. Like secrets hidin’ in the petals. And they make you think of passion, like a fire burnin’ inside. I ain’t too sure about all that passion stuff, but I reckon some folks like a little mystery in their lives.
They say chrysanthemums are a real good fit for scorpios. Scorpios are water signs, whatever that means. Maybe like a river, always flowin’, always changin’. And these flowers, they’re strong and they last a long time, just like that river. And they got all these petals, packed tight together, kinda like how scorpio folks hold their feelin’s close, I guess.
So, this here scorpio flower thing, it ain’t just ’bout pretty petals and nice smells. It’s ’bout feelin’s, and bein’ strong, and lookin’ out for the folks you love. It’s ’bout happiness and livin’ a good long life, and havin’ good friends by your side. And maybe, just maybe, it’s ’bout a little mystery and passion too. Who knows? Flowers are funny things, they can mean a whole lot, even if they don’t say a word.
This whole thing ’bout astrology and flowers, it’s kinda like lookin’ at the clouds, ain’t it? You see what you wanna see, and you make up stories to go with it. But if it makes folks happy, and it helps ’em feel connected to somethin’ bigger than themselves, well, I reckon that’s a good thing. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little beauty and meanin’ in this world, even if it comes from a flower and some stars.
Through this whole thing, I just tried to tell ya what I heard ‘bout these flowers. Ain’t no expert, just a plain old woman who likes lookin’ at pretty things and listenin’ to folks talk. So, next time ya see a geranium, or a mum, or a red rose, maybe you’ll think ’bout them scorpios and all the things them flowers are supposed to mean. And maybe you’ll just smile and enjoy the pretty colors, that’s alright too.

Tags: [Scorpio, Flowers, Geraniums, Chrysanthemums, Red Roses, Gardenias, Astrology, Meaning, Symbolism, Emotions]