Okay, so let me tell you about this whole Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon thing I’ve been digging into. Honestly, I kind of stumbled upon it while trying to figure out why I am the way I am, you know?
I started by reading up on what these astrology folks say about Capricorns. Apparently, we’re supposed to be all practical and ambitious. That part I get. I’ve always been the type to make a plan and stick to it. I set these big goals, and I’m not really happy until I hit them. It’s just how I’m wired.
But then there’s this Scorpio Moon thing. That’s where it gets a bit muddy. From what I gathered, it’s all about deep feelings and wanting to be in control. And let me tell you, that hit me like a ton of bricks. I do feel things really intensely, even if I don’t always show it. And yeah, I like to be in the driver’s seat. Not in a bossy way, but I just feel better when I know what’s going on and can steer things in the direction I want.
So, I decided to kind of experiment with this. I took a few days to really pay attention to my feelings. Like, when I got annoyed with a coworker, instead of just brushing it off, I sat with it for a bit. I tried to figure out where that annoyance was coming from. Was it really about them, or was it something else? It was kind of uncomfortable, but also pretty eye-opening.

Then, I started paying more attention to how I was reacting to things at work. Normally, I’d just dive into a project headfirst, no questions asked. But I made myself slow down a little. I started asking more questions, trying to understand the bigger picture before just charging ahead. It was tough because I just wanted to get things done, but I could see how it was helping me make better decisions.
First Week:
Second Week:
Third Week:
I logged my daily moods and triggers. It was messy. One day I was super focused and productive, the next I was feeling all kinds of restless and moody. It felt chaotic.
I focused on my reactions to stress. Normally, I’d just power through. But I started to notice that I was getting really tense and withdrawn. So I started taking short breaks to just breathe and clear my head. It helped, a little.
This is where things started to click a bit. I realized that I was using my Capricorn drive to kind of push down my Scorpio emotions. Like, if I felt anxious, I’d just work harder to distract myself. So I started to let myself feel those emotions, even if they were uncomfortable. And you know what? It actually made me feel more in control, not less.
It’s not like I’ve got it all figured out now. I still feel like two different people sometimes. One is this super practical, driven Capricorn, and the other is this intense, emotional Scorpio. But I’m starting to see how these two parts of me can actually work together. It’s like, the Capricorn in me can set the goals, and the Scorpio in me can provide the passion and the depth to really go after them. I know that sounds like a whole mess, and there will be some deep-seated emotions and transformations later. I think maybe it will be full of inner turmoil or jealousy. It is just like what it said, that Scorpio Moons feel emotions extremely deeply but often suppress them. But I am trying to work on it.

It’s a work in progress, for sure. But I’m kind of excited to see where it all leads. It’s like I’m getting to know myself on a whole new level, and that’s pretty cool, even if it’s a bit messy at times. I’ll keep y’all updated on how this whole self-discovery thing goes. Maybe my little experiment can help some of you out there too. Who knows.