Oh, honey, let me tell you about this Sun in Taurus, Moon in Cancer thing. It’s like… you got that stubborn bull mixed with that soft, weepy crab. Makes for a real interesting mix, I tell ya!
That Taurus, that’s the bull. Strong, you know? They like things just so. They want their house nice, their food good, and they ain’t budgin’ once they make up their mind. My old man, bless his soul, he was a Taurus. Stubborn as a mule, that one. But he had a good heart, and always made sure the table had food on it. Taurus, they like the good life. Nice things. They work hard, and they want to enjoy what they worked for. Nothing wrong with that, I say.
Now, that Cancer, that’s the crab. They’re all about feelings, that one. They feel things real deep. Like the ocean, you know? Sometimes they get moody, like the tide going in and out. One minute they’re laughin’, next minute they’re cryin’ in their soup. They need lots of love and cuddles. Just like a little baby, always wanting to be held. Cancer folks they like being home, surrounded by their loved ones. They are the caretakers.
So, you put these two together, this Sun in Taurus and Moon in Cancer, and what do you get? Well, you get someone who’s strong on the outside, but soft on the inside. They’re tough, like that bull, but they also got a heart as big as the sky. They want a good life, a nice home, and lots of love.

- They like their routines.
- They don’t like change too much.
- Like things to be just so.
They can be a little sensitive sometimes. You gotta be careful what you say around ’em, ’cause they might take it the wrong way. They hold onto things, you know? Like that old grudge they’ve been carrying around since they were knee-high to a grasshopper. It is all about emotions and feelings for them. They feel it all.
These folks, with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Cancer, they’re good people. They’re loyal, like that old hound dog that sleeps by the fire. They’ll stick by you through thick and thin. They’re the kind of people you want on your side when the going gets tough. They might be a little stubborn, and a little moody, but they got hearts of gold.
This Taurus, it’s ruled by Venus, they say. That’s the love planet. Makes sense, ’cause these folks, they love pretty things. They like art, and music, and good food. They like to be comfortable. Like a warm hug, that is how they are.
And Cancer, that’s ruled by the Moon. The Moon, it goes through its phases, just like these Cancer folks. Up and down, happy and sad. They need a lot of love and understanding. And they will take care of you, oh, they will really take care of you. Home and family are everything to them.
If you got someone in your life with this Sun in Taurus Moon in Cancer, you better treat ’em right. Give ’em lots of hugs. Tell ’em you love ’em. Make sure they feel safe and secure. They need that, like a plant needs sunshine and water. It is how they grow. They want to feel safe and that they belong somewhere.

They’re strong, these folks. But they need to be loved. They need to feel needed, too. Like that old mama hen, always clucking over her chicks, that’s them. They just want to love and be loved. Ain’t that what we all want, really?
They got that determination from the Taurus side. They won’t give up easy. They’ll keep on going, even when things get hard. They are stable people, like a big old tree. You can always lean on them. They keep their feet on the ground.
This combination, it makes for someone who’s really special. Someone who’s got a lot to offer the world. They might be a little rough around the edges, but inside, they’re pure gold. Just good, decent folks who want to live a good life and take care of the people they love. You can not ask for more than that.
They can be real affectionate, these Sun in Taurus, Moon in Cancer people. They like to cuddle. They like to show their love through touch. Like a warm hug, or a pat on the back. That’s how they say “I love you.” They are all about physical touch.
So, yeah, this Sun in Taurus Moon in Cancer. It’s a good mix. A strong mix. A loving mix. It’s like a good, hearty stew. It’s got everything you need. Keeps you warm on a cold night. That’s what these folks are like. They’ll keep you warm, and they’ll keep you safe. They’ll love you with all their heart. And that’s all that really matters, ain’t it?