Susan Miller, a renowned astrologer from the States, tops the list of America’s top ten astrologers and is the world’s most beloved astrologer. She’s a favorite among Chinese readers, affectionately known as "Sam Ma." Her style of fortune-telling is all about event guidance. Make sure to star us and give us a thumbs-up after reading. Lucky fortunes await (paid content) – Detailed 2024 Annual Horoscopes for the Twelveconstellation.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
This week, your money’s going to work overtime. On Tuesday, it’s a great time for brainstorming and planning, but avoid signing contracts or conducting business transactions, as there might be hidden issues that could leave you dissatisfied. Come Friday, with a full moon in Taurus in your financial sector, money’s going to demand a lot of your attention. It’s a perfect opportunity to assess what’s working and what’s not. Saturday might throw a wrench in your budget, so setting new spending rules could be key.
I remember once, during a similar period, I ignored this advice and ended up regretting a spontaneous shopping spree. It taught me to stick to my budget, no matter how tempting the deals are.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Relationships might be vibrant yet unpredictable. On Tuesday, you’ll need to pay closer attention to business partners or colleagues, as they might be determined to get on your nerves – best to keep your cool. Friday’s full moon in Taurus could encourage you to check if your closest relationships are on the right track, as someone might be unsure about sharing certain things with you. Saturday, when restless energy surfaces, might put your loved ones in the spotlight, creating some obstacles.
I had a friend who once ignored a similar warning and ended up in a heated argument with their partner. It just goes to show, it’s better to address issues early on.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Taking action can work wonders. On Tuesday, Mercury’s rationality might clash with Saturn’s restrictions, leaving you confused about the next steps or bombarding you with unreasonable information. Friday’s full moon lights up the most imaginative part of your chart, which could lead to overreactions. Saturday, when the sun squares off with rebellious Uranus, you’ll see things more clearly. Stick to methods that have worked for you in the past instead of diving into the unknown.
I once tried to be too spontaneous and ended up in a pickle. It was a reminder to stick to what I know works.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
This is a week for socializing and getting out. On Tuesday, Mercury’s cleverness might conflict with Saturn’s practicality in your travel sector. Double-check plans and schedules before meetings, as there could be some disruptions. Friday’s full moon in your friendship zone is a hopeful sign, indicating that celebrations or family gatherings might go smoother than expected. Saturday seems like a mixed bag of planetary energy, making you popular in one group and possibly getting the cold shoulder in another.
I once attended a family reunion where the dynamics were just like this. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Compromise is the answer this week. On Tuesday, Mercury’s variability might clash with Saturn’s caution, leaving you torn between freedom and fun on one hand and responsibilities on the other. Friday could be more constructive, with a full moon illuminating your career sector, bringing your goals within reach. Saturday, the sun and Uranus bring dynamic energy, making a problem crystal clear, but the solution might require more thought. An unconventional approach might be the most effective.
I had a boss who once solved a seemingly impossible problem with a completely out-of-the-box idea. It was inspiring.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
This is a week of surprise outcomes. On Tuesday, it might be hard to focus as Mercury’s agility is frustrated by Saturn’s slow progress – work alone if possible, as colleagues might make things more difficult. Friday brings better news, with a full moon exploring your chart’s entrepreneurial zone, and travel, meetings, and gatherings might bring good news. Saturday, you might get too bogged down in details and forget the bigger picture – take a break and remember your long-term goals.
I once missed an important deadline because I was too focused on small details. It was a lesson learned.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You’re about to turn a corner. On Tuesday, it might require some effort, as Mercury’s variability must collaborate with Saturn’s pickiness, making progress feel slow. Friday’s full moon in a cooperative mood brings better news, encouraging you to collaborate with others on money-making plans. Saturday poses some interesting questions about your resources, but now that you know what you’re dealing with, you can move forward step by step, likely gaining freedom.
I once made a major career change after a similar full moon. It was daunting but ultimately rewarding.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Intimate relationships need attention. On Tuesday, Mercury’s cleverness might clash with Saturn, challenging your viewpoints – wait until later in the week to share your ideas, when they might be more easily accepted. Friday’s full moon in your relationship sector might bring emotions to the surface but also creates space to share feelings with close ones. Saturday, romance might come as a surprise, as the sun in Scorpio squares rebellious Uranus. Spontaneity is in the driver’s seat, potentially breaking down barriers but also the best time to clear up misunderstandings.
I once rekindled a relationship after a long silence during a similar period. It was unexpected but beautiful.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
You might have countless opportunities waiting for you now. On Tuesday, Sagittarius’ Mercury and Saturn form an awkward angle, making it best to follow the rules and avoid shortcuts. Friday’s full moon in a sector related to your health and organizational abilities might feel like a fresh start, especially if you’ve been feeling down or need to stick to better habits. Saturday might be unsettling, but there could also be foresight, as something unusual might inspire you to try new things.
I once took a leap of faith during a similar period and it led to one of the best experiences of my life.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You’re popular and friendly. On Tuesday, Mercury’s cleverness might clash with Saturn’s intense focus. Best to work diligently and follow the rules, even if it’s boring. Friday’s full moon in Taurus highlights the most powerful part of your birth chart, reminding you that you’ll get support when you need it. Saturday, with the sun obscured by Uranus, someone you’re unsure about might offer unexpected help. Strange twists might bring satisfying results.
I once received a surprise promotion during a similar period. It was a pleasant surprise.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
It’s a good week to make plans with family and friends. On Tuesday, Mercury’s flirting with Saturn might cause some financial tension – if you’re going out with friends, maybe keep an eye on your budget. Friday’s full moon in your family sector might bring high emotions, making it a perfect time for a warm family gathering. Saturday might bring some friction with parents or old friends, who might surprise you with unconventional behavior.
I once had a family argument that turned into a heartwarming moment. It just goes to show, family dynamics can be unpredictable.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This is a week full of vitality and fun. On Tuesday, Mercury’s variability might clash with Saturn’s wisdom, encouraging you to stick to responsible choices. Friday’s full moon in your communication center paves the way for enjoyable gatherings filled with laughter and celebration – perfect for family gatherings or celebrations. Saturday, with the sun squaring Uranus, be careful of someone making radical decisions – they might not work out.
I once witnessed a friend make a rash decision during a similar period. It didn’t end well, but it was a valuable lesson.