Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about these Taurus Sun Virgo Moon folks. It’s like this, see? You got the Sun in Taurus, that’s like a stubborn bull, steady and strong, likes his comfort and good food. Real down-to-earth, you know? Then you got the Moon in Virgo, that’s the picky one, always fussin’ and frettin’ over the details, gotta have everything just so.
Now, put them two together, and what do ya get? A person who’s both strong and steady, but also pays attention to the little things. They ain’t gonna rush into nothin’, that’s for sure. They’ll take their sweet time, thinkin’ it all through, makin’ sure it’s just right. Kinda like me when I’m plantin’ my garden, gotta make sure the soil’s just right, and the seeds are spaced out proper.
These folks, they like things neat and tidy. Can’t stand a mess, no sirree. They’ll be cleanin’ and organizin’, always tryin’ to make things better. And they’re hard workers, too. Don’t mind gettin’ their hands dirty, long as they see a good reason for it. It ain’t like them city folks who are scared of a little honest work.
- They like things steady and stable. No big surprises, thank you very much.
- They’re practical and down-to-earth. Not much for fancy talk or big ideas.
- They pay attention to the details. Nothin’ gets past ’em.
Now, when it comes to love, these Taurus Sun Virgo Moon people, they ain’t the most romantic, I gotta say. They ain’t gonna be writin’ you no love poems or buyin’ you fancy flowers. But they’ll show you they care in their own way. Like, makin’ sure you got a good meal, or fixin’ that leaky faucet you been naggin’ ’em about.

They’re loyal, too. Once they give you their heart, they ain’t gonna go runnin’ off with the first pretty face that walks by. They’re in it for the long haul, see? They want a partner who’s just as steady and reliable as they are. Someone who appreciates a good home-cooked meal and a clean house. Someone who ain’t afraid of a little hard work.
Who gets along with these folks? Well, other earth signs, mostly. You know, like other Taurus folks, or Capricorns. They understand each other, see? They got the same values, the same way of lookin’ at the world. And maybe some of them water signs, too. Like a Cancer, who’s all about home and family. That makes sense to me. But those fire signs? Too much drama. And the air signs? Too flighty and unpredictable. These Taurus Sun Virgo Moon folks, they need someone who’s gonna keep their feet on the ground.
So, if you’re lookin’ for a partner who’s strong, steady, and reliable, someone who appreciates the simple things in life, then you might just find what you’re lookin’ for in a Taurus Sun Virgo Moon. Just don’t expect ’em to sweep you off your feet with grand gestures. They’re more the slow and steady type, like a good ol’ tractor chuggin’ along in the field. Gets the job done, even if it ain’t flashy.
And let me tell ya, spiritual stuff, that’s important to these folks too. They ain’t just about the here and now, they think about the bigger picture, you know? But in their own practical way, not like them fancy preachers on TV. They like to feel grounded, connected to somethin’ bigger than themselves. Makes ’em feel secure, I reckon. Kinda like how I feel when I’m out in the garden, feelin’ the earth beneath my feet, knowin’ I’m part of somethin’ bigger.
But now, if you’re all about excitement and adventure, these folks probably ain’t for you. They like their routine, their comfort zone. They ain’t gonna be jumpin’ out of airplanes or goin’ on wild goose chases. They’d rather be at home, tendin’ to their garden, or fixin’ somethin’ around the house. It ain’t for everyone, but it sure suits some folks just fine.

So, there ya have it. That’s the lowdown on these Taurus Sun Virgo Moon people. They ain’t perfect, nobody is. But they’re good folks, honest and hardworking, and they’ll always be there for ya when the chips are down. And that’s more than you can say for some folks these days, ain’t it?