Okay, so, I’ve been seeing a lot of questions online about Scorpio men and whether they come back after a breakup or a fight. I dated a Scorpio for a good chunk of time, so I figured I’d share my experience and what I did.
My Scorpio Man Story
First things first, my Scorpio ex, let’s call him “M”, was intense. Like, super passionate, super emotional, but also, you know, secretive and sometimes a little… possessive. We had this amazing connection, but we also had some pretty explosive arguments.
The biggest breakup we had happened because of a stupid misunderstanding. I’m pretty sure it started with a text message that I misinterpreted, and he got all defensive. It escalated quickly. We both said things we didn’t mean, and boom, it was over.
The Waiting Game
After the breakup, I was a mess. I did a lot of crying, a lot of stalking his social media (which I do NOT recommend, by the way), and a lot of talking to my friends. I really wanted him back. I mean Really!

I knew Scorpios had a reputation for holding grudges, so I was worried. I googled everything. Seriously, everything. “Do Scorpio men come back?” “How to get a Scorpio man back?” “Scorpio man ghosting.” You name it, I searched for it.
Taking Action (The Right Way)
After a few weeks of wallowing, I decided I needed to do something. Here’s what I did, step-by-step:
- I gave him space. This was the hardest part, but I knew I couldn’t bombard him with messages or calls. I had to let him cool down and process things.
- I worked on myself. Instead of obsessing over him, I focused on my own life. I went to the gym, I hung out with friends, I focused on my work. This was good for me, and it also showed him that I wasn’t just sitting around waiting for him.
- I reached out (carefully). After about a month, I sent him a short, simple text. I didn’t apologize profusely or beg him to come back. I just said something like, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you. Hope you’re doing okay.”
- I kept low key. Don’t put too much effort to reach him.
The Result
He actually responded! We started texting back and forth, and eventually, we agreed to meet up for coffee. We talked, and it was awkward at first, but we eventually started to open up to each other. We talked for hours.
It wasn’t a quick fix. It took time, and we had to work through a lot of stuff. But, we did get back together. We had a lot more bumps but it got better.
My takeaway from all of this? Yes, Scorpio men can come back. But it takes patience, understanding, and a willingness to work on things. You can’t force it, and you have to be prepared for the possibility that it might not happen. But if you genuinely care about the person, and you’re willing to put in the effort, it’s definitely possible. Give it a try!