Well, let me tell ya, what is this thing, this “divination” they talkin’ about? It’s like, you wanna know what’s gonna happen, right? Like, will my chickens lay eggs tomorrow, or will the rain come and ruin my crops? Folks always been wantin’ to know stuff.
So, what is this spirit of divination, you ask? It’s like a… a feelin’, a way of lookin’ at things. Some folks, they say they can see the future, like in a dream or somethin’. Or maybe they look at the birds flyin’, or the way the smoke goes from the fire. They say them things tell ’em stuff.
- Seein’ things others can’t
- Knowin’ stuff ‘fore it happens
- Feelin’ somethin’ in your gut
It ain’t like regular knowin’, you know? It’s like… a secret knowin’. Like, you ain’t read it in a book, nobody told you, but you just know. That’s the spirit of it, I reckon. It’s in your bones, in your blood maybe.
Now, some folks, they use things to help ’em see. Like, they got them cards, with pictures on ’em. They shuffle ’em up and lay ’em out, and they say the cards tell a story, tell ’em what’s comin’. Or they got them shiny rocks, or they throw bones on the ground. All sorts of ways to try and get a peek at tomorrow.

Is it real, this divination? Well, that’s up to you to decide, I guess. I seen some things that make you scratch your head, make you wonder. Like old Granny down the road, she could tell you if a baby was gonna be a boy or a girl just by lookin’ at the mama’s belly. And she was right most times, I tell ya. Right most times.
But it ain’t always clear, you know? It’s like lookin’ through a muddy window. You see somethin’, but it’s all hazy and blurry. You gotta use your own smarts, your own common sense, to figure out what it all means.
Some folks, they scared of it. They say it’s the devil’s work, messin’ with things you ain’t supposed to know. But I don’t see it that way. I figure, if the good Lord gives you a way to see a little bit ahead, well, why not use it? Just gotta be careful, you know? Don’t go lettin’ it rule your life.
It’s about connectin’ to somethin’ bigger than yourself, I think. Somethin’ out there, in the air, in the ground, everywhere. It’s like a whisper, a feelin’, a nudge in the right direction. And if you listen close enough, you might just hear it. You might just see what’s comin’ down the road.
This spirit of divination, it ain’t just about tellin’ the future, though. It’s about understandin’ the present, too. It’s about seein’ the patterns, the connections, the things that ain’t always obvious. It’s like lookin’ at the world with different eyes, with a deeper kind of seein’.

And you know, everybody’s got a little bit of it in ‘em, I reckon. You ever get that feelin’, that you just knew somethin’ was gonna happen? Like, you knew that storm was comin’, even though the sky was clear? Or you knew that person wasn’t to be trusted, even though they were smilin’ and sweet-talkin’? That’s the spirit of divination, workin’ in you.
Now, some folks are just better at it than others. They got a gift, a knack for it. They can see things clearer, hear things louder. But that don’t mean the rest of us can’t tap into it, too. It’s just a matter of payin’ attention, of listenin’ to your gut, of trustin’ that little voice inside your head.
So, that’s what I think about this spirit of divination. It’s a mystery, sure, but it’s a part of life, too. It’s about seein’ the unseen, knowin’ the unknown, and trustin’ in somethin’ bigger than yourself. And ain’t that what life is all about, in the end?
Divination tools are like a compass for your soul, showing you the way. They ain’t magic, not really, but they help you focus, help you see what’s already there, inside you, waiting to be discovered. It’s about findin’ your own way, makin’ your own choices, and livin’ your life the best way you know how. That’s the real spirit of it all, I believe.